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Documentation 2022.08

Release Notes

Estimated reading: 23 minutes 429 views
December 31, 2023


Robusta RPA 2023.12

Feature A new activity called "Is window exists" has been added to the Windows System component.

Perf. imp. The default dpi value in the PDF export as image activity has been adjusted to be compatible with the read text activity.

Bug Fix The issue with the decision table moving row not functioning as expected was fixed.

Feature The Activate and Maximize features have been added to the MsExcel activity.

Feature New Hotkeys have been added for Keyboard&Mouse.

Feature A new activity called text matching has been added to the computer vision service.

Perf. imp. In the Modeler application, the Custom Log component has been enabled to work by providing variables.

Feature A new property called "Create all directories" has been added to the File Operations-Create directory activity.

Bug Fix The problem of operators not appearing when the input value is "-" in the decision table has been fixed.

Feature Drag-and-drop functionality for rules was added to the decision table.

Bug Fix The incorrect display of the decision table in the decision table editor when the name is long has been fixed.

Bug Fix The issue of decision table headers not displaying correctly after scrolling was resolved.

Perf. imp. The ability to adjust the width of columns in the decision table was enabled.

Feature Multi-column support has been added to the dataset remove column activity.

Feature The option to mark emails as unread was added.

Feature A new property called "position" has been added to the Word - Append image activity.

Bug Fix The import of processes or applications with the same key was prevented.

Bug Fix The issue of some emails downloaded via Modern Exchange connection not opening in Outlook was resolved

Feature A new activity called "Replace image" has been added to the Word component.

Perf. imp. The display of each service component's own icon was added.

Feature A new activity called split has been added to the pdf service.

Perf. imp. The resizing of the properties panel in the process design screen was added.

Feature A new activity called "Close SAP" has been added to the SAP component.

Perf. imp. The events related to database definitions were enabled to be used as preconditions in process execution.

Feature The feature of downloading images in the body of the mail for Exchange connection was added.

Feature The ability to run processes from the main page of the Modeler Application has been enabled.

Perf. imp. Performance improvement has been provided for the excel clear sheet activity.

Feature The option enabling recursive saving of attachments in emails was added.

Feature A new property called "maximize" has been added to the SAP - Open SAP session activity.

Feature The capability to execute multiple processes simultaneously with the VIP parameter was added to the robot.

Feature Multi-column support has been added to the dataset set action activity.

Bug Fix The filtering error with Worker Name in the Scheduler Application has been fixed.

Feature The 'Create Spreadsheet' feature has been added for Google Sheets.

Feature The 'Create Sheet' feature has been added for Google Sheets.

Feature The display of the application license duration on the Modeler Application App Build Details screen has been enabled.

Feature The ability to download license duration and App Build Details information along with Orchestrator Application logs has been enabled.

Bug Fix The issue where an error occurred when the pivot table did not start from A1 in MS Excel has been fixed.

Perf. imp. The ability to open tabs on the Modeler screen in a new page was added.

Perf. imp. The display of sub-process names on the diagram was added.

Feature The Export and Import features have been added for Mail Definitions in RPA-Admin.

Feature The 'Copy/Remove Sheet' method has been added for Google Sheets.

Feature The 'List Sheets' method has been added for Google Sheets.

Feature Terminal type support has been added to the SSH execute command activity.

Feature The 'Get Spreadsheet Info' method has been added for Google Sheets.

August 31, 2023


Robusta RPA 2023.08

Feature Marker has been added above conditional flow arrows.

Feature When the app is deleted, the option to delete the process connected to the app has been added.

Feature Priority field added into Schedule Process activity.

Feature Exact match option has been added for search filter of scheduled processes

Feature Evaluated expressions for activities in the diagram have been added to the tip section.

Feature Set Formula activity has been added.

Feature An entity field has been added to the chatbot process.

Feature Reset field added to Send Message activity.

Feature The field "Rule Size" has been added to the "Decision Task" activity to save the number of rules in the decision tables to the variable.

Feature Download Attachment support added in Chatbot and Whatsapp activities.

Perf. imp. Automatic connection closure for mail trigger has been implemented.

Bug Fix Rows with merged structure could not be deleted error has been fixed in excel remove activity.

Bug Fix The issue where collapsed subprocesses could not be placed in subprocesses has been fixed.

Perf. imp. Automatic refresh of the page after adding/removing each breakpoint point has been removed.

Bug Fix Cells with merged structure could not fitted error has been fixed in Autofit activity.

Bug Fix Hidden rows could not be read into the dataset error has been fixed in excel to dataset activity.

Perf. imp. Window Actions- Activate property has been improved.

Bug Fix No row/column to hide or show could be found error has been fixed in Hide or Show activity.

Feature Hide or Show activity added in MS Excel.

Feature In Excel to dataset activity, a new column has been added to the result dataset so that url information in cells containing hyperlinks can be retrieved.

Feature Open Password field has been added to the Open activity, which allows opening encrypted Word files.

Feature App selection feature ensured while importing process.

Feature "Groups" usage has been added for restrictions.

Feature "Message Id" field has been added for Mail Search activity.

Feature Scheduled Processes Filtering for Turkish characters was enabled.

Feature The tenant support has been added for process definitions on the scheduler.

Feature The feature move email with the specified email address has been added.

Feature The feature enable/disable all mail definition events has been added.

Feature Searching in the subfolders in the IMAP/SMTP connection has been added.

Bug Fix Fixed the error message when entering the wrong password while opening the encrypted word file (docx,doc).

Perf. imp. Error messages have been improved on file open activity in Text file, Word, Pdf, and Excel components.

Perf. imp. The error message received when trying to open an unsupported file in Open activity has been updated.

Bug Fix The bug that data cannot be written to the deleted area after Clear Sheet activity has been fixed.

Bug Fix The problem of adding extra transactions while creating the process has been resolved in the Web Recorder component.

Perf. imp. Breakpoints have been arranged to appear on the diagram of completed processes.

Perf. imp. The description in the Mail "Send" activity has been detailed, and the error message has been edited caused by empty "from" field.

Feature Searching in the subfolders in the Exchange connection has been added.

Feature The "Index variable" field, which allows the "loopCounter" variable to be given a different name, has been added to the subprocess component.

Feature Property search added for Show Diagram screen.

Feature CTRL + X shortcut has been added for the "Cut" action to process editor.

Feature A section showing the used parts of the table has been added to the decision table details.

Feature A section showing the used parts of the table has been added to the form details.

Feature CTRL + M shortcut has been added to process editor for shape mirroring.

Feature Bulk activate/deactivate feature added for robots.

Feature CTRL + S shortcut has been added to save the process in the process editor.

Feature A new activity called "Get Alert Text" has been added to the Applications component to receive alert messages.

Perf. imp. End and Cancel button names of the Web Recorder component has been edited.

Bug Fix The bug that caused decision tables to be invisible after the server restart has been fixed.

Bug Fix The hovering bug for sequence flows on the process diagram has been fixed.

Bug Fix The issue has been fixed where the name of the item remained the same when the type of the item was changed in the process editor.

Bug Fix The bug that caused the quick access panel to move while scrolling in the process editor has been fixed.

Bug Fix When a process that ends with the "Terminate End event" activity is used with "Call Activity", the problem where the ID part does not appear in the failure reason section has been fixed.

Perf. imp. It has been ensured that flow arrows that are not included in the process will give a validation error.

Perf. imp. Deletion of mail definitions has been prevented in the case of enabled search definition.

Bug Fix The issue where the scroll bar on the tabs on the diagram screen has been fixed.

Bug Fix The issue has been fixed where errors in decision task activities were not caught by boundary events.

Perf. imp. Clipboard performance improvements done.

Perf. imp. The format of the dates in the "Processes" and "Scheduled Processes" tabs has been changed to "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss".

Perf. imp. The "Forms" tab and the "Apps" tab have been switched.

Perf. imp. Line numbers have been added to editor.

Feature The feature of sending emails on behalf of someone has been added.

Feature The feature has been added that is sufficient to select a part of the component to add it to the selection in the process editor.

Feature The use of 'Ctrl + Shift + Click' has been added in the process editor to include the sequence flows of the elements connected by the sequence flows in the selection.

Feature CTRL + S shortcut has been added to save the script in the script task.

Feature Find and replace activity added in Excel.

Feature Find and Replace activity added in MS Excel.

Feature Two new parameters(process instance name, process key) added for process instance query in Robusta Rest API.

Feature Validation has been added ,for characters that should not be used while naming in File Create, Folder create and Rename activities.

Feature Retry delay selection was added when a process got failed.

Feature Auto focus has been added for the sequence flow condition textbox.

Feature The ability to enter multiple values ​​for the "From" field has been added to the "Search" activity of the Modern Authentication.

Perf. imp. The displayed portion of the values ​​in the property fields in the process design area has been edited.

Feature Confirmation screen added for canceling processes.

Feature The button to zoom in on the currently running element in the diagram has been added.

Feature Multi-sheet deletion support has been added to remove sheet activity.

Perf. imp. Improvements have been made to the "Change the element type" section.

Perf. imp. The ability has been added to find the same words with double click in the script editor.

Perf. imp. Rich programming interface support has been added for JS and Groovy languages.

Feature Screenshots can now be automatically deleted according to given parameters.

Feature Added focus to the canvas in process editor.

Perf. imp. Planned Start Date has become traceable in the Monitoring Application.

Perf. imp. The description in the Mail "Forward" activity has been detailed, and the error message has been edited caused by empty "from" field.

Feature Write activity added in Google Sheets.

Feature Added a new activity called Format in MS Excel activity.

Perf. imp. The description in the Mail "Reply" activity has been detailed, and the error message has been edited caused by empty "from" field.

Perf. imp. While the Shift key is being held down, the selection frame has been made visible in subprocesses and similar components.

Bug Fix The issue causing an error when triggering mail with an IMAP connection, if the searched folder contained an email with an empty "Subject" field, has been fixed.

Bug Fix The problem that the search and sorting in the "Processes" tab is not done in the selected app has been fixed.

Feature Set Cell Style activity added in Google Sheets activity.

Feature Displaying of the total number of tasks after filtering has been added.

Feature After clicking on the errors and warnings in validation, zooming has been added to the relevant figure.

Bug Fix The problem of certain attachments not being downloaded has been solved in the Mail "Read" activity.

Bug Fix The issue where processes started with "Call Activity" starts with a high delay has been fixed.

Perf. imp. System parameters used in Vault integration listed.

Feature The feature to export tables on the diagram screen in Excel format have been added.

Perf. imp. Improvements have been made regarding worker densities chart by selected date range.

Perf. imp. The starting indexes in excel service row and column entries have been standardized to start from 0. (excel autofit rows/columns and remove rows activities affected)

Bug Fix The issue has been fixed with naming linked shapes when clicking on shapes in the quick-access menu

Bug Fix Updated processes not being reflected on the app screen bug has been fixed.

Feature A button has been added for shape mirroring to the process editor.

Feature The ""CTRL + SHIFT + X"" key combination has been added to delete the parent shape and child and then to copy the child to the clipboard.

Feature The ""SHIFT + DEL"" key combination has been added to delete only the parent shape and then keep the child.

Feature "CTRL + SHIFT + A" combination has been added to shortcuts to select child shapes of parent shapes.

Bug Fix The problem of running consecutively running processes in different orders has been resolved.

Bug Fix The issue has been fixed with the low-priority process starting earlier than the high-priority process if there are too many processes in the queue which occurs very rarely.

Perf. imp. Improvements have been made regarding the display of the start-end dates, durations and worker densities of the processes.

Perf. imp. Performance improvement in Excel Set Formula activity.

Perf. imp. It has been ensured that the admin user can continue to see the user task even if another user takes over the task.

Perf. imp. While the robots are being loaded, updated or their status is wanted to be checked, the status check button has been disabled until the installation is completed.

April 30, 2023


Robusta RPA 2023.04

Feature An option has been added to send mail with high importance.

Feature File name field info has been edited , in Applications-Download file activity.

Feature Wrap text support has been added to excel set cell style activity.

Feature A new feature that returns the coordination of the most upper left matched template, when there are more than one matches in the given image.

Feature Manual rotate support has been added to image processing rotate activity.

Feature The feature of downloading images in the body of the mail for IMAP/SMTP connection has been added.

Feature The feature to test mail connection via the mail connection activity has been added.

Perf. imp. Improvements have been made so that the parameters in the MS outlook search activity work similarly and in harmony with the mail component.

Feature The feature sent with the specified email address for the Outlook application has been added.

Feature The column"importance" has been added to result set of Outlook "Search" activity.

Feature A new property called Wait time, which can be used during login to the SAP application, has been added.

Feature A new property named base64 has been added to Whatsapp - Send Attachment activity.

Feature The option "End Execution" has been added to handle data transferring to parent execution for the "End Error Event" activity.

Feature In Modeler Application, App selection feature has been developed for Schedule Process Component.

Feature App selection feature has been developed for Schedule Process Component.

Feature List by user tenant added for Scheduled Processes page in Scheduler Application.

Feature GetRowSize property has been added to get row count of the tables , in SAP application.

Feature GetColumnSize property has been added to get column count of the tables , in SAP application.

Feature CurrentCellRow feature has been added to SAP component to be able to select the row field within the table in shell.

Feature Automatic historic process record cleaning feature has been added.

Feature Retry count option has been added into Schedule Process Component.

Feature The feature to continue from the desired flow based on the content of the error message in an activity has been added.

Feature Text field validation has been edited in Applications - Set Method activity.

Perf. imp. Script Helper sample codes have been updated with adding new getVariable/setVariable functions.

Feature ModifyCell feature has been added to SAP -Set Actions activity, to edit shell fields which contains binary path.

Feature Searchability feature have been provided in Modeler Data-Object fields.

Perf. imp. Multiple process deletion support has been added to the "Processes" screen.

Feature The feature of publishing all applications containing the process in the process editor has been added.

Feature The features zoom in/out/to actual size/to fit and full screen has been added to the process diagram.

Feature The feature showing subprocess loop variables on the diagram has been added.

Feature The feature search at the specified email address for the Outlook application has been added.

Feature The ability has been added to log in with the user in the database while LDAP is active.

Feature The ability to enter multiple values ​​for the "From", "To" and "Subject" fields in the Mail -> Trigger has been added.

Feature Triggering direction for the mails to be triggered and options to trigger them all in one have been added.

Perf. imp. A checkbox has been added during installation to confirm the terms of the license.

Feature Custom script storing feature added for Script Task.

Feature A new activity called Run Script has been added , to run javascript in web applications.

Feature Custom User Log Component has been added into Modeler System Operations.

Feature A Google Sheet component has been developed. This component includes Open, Read Google Sheet to dataset, and Close activities.

March 1, 2023

Robusta RPA 2022.12

Robusta RPA 2022.12

Feature The Scheduler Application can now filter Scheduled Processes by the name of the robot they support.

Feature A new activity called dataset join, which allows two datasets to be joined together over the referenced field, added.

Feature Web applications now work with Microsoft Edge browser.

Feature A new feature has been added to Web applications that allows users to navigate through the application's URL history.

Feature There's now an option to keep processes with the same name when creating a new version.

Feature A button has been added to refresh the Process diagram on the screen.

Feature The activity in Process diagram that contains an error will be highlighted in red.

Feature An error message has been added to the confirmation area if an unconditional connection between one activity and two other activities occurs.

Feature There's a new option to launch processes in a new tab while viewing the Modeler screen.

Feature Excel files that are password-protected can now be supported.

Feature The "Dataset name" field now lists names alphabetically for easier navigation.

Feature A "Boundary Error Event" without an error reference will allow the flow to continue if no "Boundary Error Event" with an error reference is found.

Feature Unlinked activities on the process page are no longer evaluated for validation.

Feature Users can now duplicate activities between processes for faster workflow creation.

Feature Images of different sizes can now be added to Word files.

Feature A new "Waiting processes" list has been added to the Monitoring Application for improved process tracking.

Feature The Modeler Application now provides type validation for Data Object fields.

Feature Optional use of IMAP and SMTP fields is now available.

Feature A warning message will now appear when attempting to disable a Worker in a busy status.

Feature Page and function authorization support has been added for users.

Feature Excel activities now support operating with sheet index as an alternative to operating with sheet name.

Bug Fix A bug has been fixed that caused subprocesses to show as ended successfully even when an error was caught with a Boundary Event.

Feature A new "Set cell style" activity has been added to the Word component for easier formatting.

Feature A new activity called "Get dominant color" has been added for image classification according to the color.

Feature MS Excel's Read Excel to dataset activity now supports range support for improved data handling.

Feature Vault support has been provided to ftp password definition field on the RPA-Admin screen.

Feature Users can now download all apps for improved app management.

Bug Fix A bug that prevented variables from being overwritten in a subprocess when the "Cardinality" field was valued has been resolved.

Feature Database component now supports OpenEdge for expanded database support.

Feature The New Process Create page now features an app selection combobox for easier app assignment.

Feature The Monitoring application now includes an "endEventName" field for clearer process tracking.

Feature High priority mail sending is now supported for mail send activity.

Feature Error messages during deployment now include the name of the model with the error for easier debugging.

Feature Creating two apps with the same name is now prevented for clearer app management.

Feature Excel remove activity now supports removing multiple rows and columns for easier data management.

Bug Fix A bug that corrupted mail attachments while saving in the MS Outlook read activity has been fixed.

Feature Captcha support has been added for improved security in the IDM login page.

Feature The Monitoring Tool now includes a running processes listing page for improved process tracking.

Feature The Web scrape activity now includes a hover property field for easier web scraping.

Feature Support has been added for setting the maximum duration of user sessions.

Feature Java application error message improved upon exit.

Feature Grayed-out components indicate non-Community Edition features.

Feature Chatbot - Send message activity's query field now supports multiple lines.

Feature "Created Time" field now available in App and Process definition info.

Feature Scroll bar added to Process diagram variables section for long values.

Bug Fix Large file attachment errors in emails fixed.

Bug Fix Fixed error preventing mail attachments from displaying in mail read activity.

Bug Fix Fixed error preventing saving of mail attachments without file extension.

Feature "Start the referenced process from the same deployment" field has been set to "enabled" by default.

Perf. imp. Filtered mails now sorted newest to oldest.

Feature Additional folder name controls added to move mail activity.

Bug Fix Fixed error causing deleted mails to not display in trash folder.

Perf. imp. Exchange connection validations updated for basic and modern authentications.

Perf. imp. Updated error messages and search filter validations for better usability.

Feature Key hold support now available for Web applications.

Feature Option to choose passwords from the Vault added for "Modern authentication."

Bug Fix Fixed error preventing mail definition from triggering process when search criteria is missing.

Feature Mail trigger's subject, from, and to fields can now be left empty or marked with a "*" for the same effect.

Feature Process diagram screen size adjusted and scrollbar added to canvas.

Feature Support added for pushing Process initial parameters to Monitoring tool.

Feature Multiple output tables supported for retrieving tables from procedures.

Feature Windows Actions activity's window title field now supports wildcards.

August 31, 2022


Robusta RPA 2022.08

Feature A new activity called browser navigate has been added to the Applications component.

Perf. imp. Error descriptons has been detailed in Mail Definition Screen

Feature Added XML and Json -> Read json to dataset activity.

Feature Run as admin checkbox has been added to System - Run cmd activity. Powershell is used as terminal application.

Feature Validation control has been added to the Applications - Switch actions activity.

Bug Fix Script task component validation bugs has been fixed.

Feature Default name has been given for the call activity processes.

Feature For processes with waiting status, the user's name will be displayed instead of their id.

Feature The delimiter property has been added to the Xml and Json - Execute xpath activity. If a delimeter is entered, the explicit value of each xpath will be written to the dataset.

Perf. imp. Improvement has been made in Applications -SAP close activity.

Feature A new property called retry count has been added to Application-Switch actions activity.

Bug Fix Bug fix for the use of or operator in dataset filter activity.

Feature Schedule&Run form messages will be update when the user click for new one in Modeller Module.

Feature A new activity called get active window title has been added to the Window System component.

Bug Fix Bugfix for the popup closing issue of the Applications component field property.

Perf. imp. In the Scheduler -> Start a process -> Processes list, the incoming data is extracted from the DB in alphabetical order.

Feature A new property called retry count has been added to Application - Functions activity.

Feature A new property called timeout has been added to Application - Wait actions activity.

Bug Fix Editing property has been fixed in RPA Admin Module.

Feature A new activity called list sheets added to the MS Excel component

Feature A new activity called save sheet as pdf added to the MS Excel component

Feature A new activity called clear sheet added to the MS Excel component

Feature English license agreement added as a seperate language which is shown during setup operation.

Feature Worker name was added into the starting parameters.

Perf. imp. Improvement on the column structures of the output of pdf convert tables to html activity.

Bug Fix Bugfix for when the clear value for keystroke is false in Applications -SAP-Set Actions activity.

Bug Fix Bug fix for keeping the old hyperlink as the second link while adding a new hyperlink in Excel set cell style activity

Perf. imp. "₺" character support has been added to Keyboard & Mouse -Keyboard activity.

Perf. imp. "Ё №" character support has been added to Keyboard & Mouse -Keyboard activity.

Perf. imp. Improvement has been added for Russian characters in Keyboard & Mouse -Keyboard activity.

Perf. imp. A new pdf type support added to pdf convert tables to html activity for some improvements of the current version.

Feature Set password support added to the file operations zip activity.

Perf. imp. From and message fields become non-obligatory in mail component activities.

Bug Fix Bug fix for sending mails with wrong sender information (because of remote desktop connection to some servers) in mail reply and forward activities.

Feature A new activity called remove sheet added to the MS Excel component

Perf. imp. In the Xml and Json - Execute xpath avtivity, if the XML encoding value and the encoding value of the file were different, the error message was unclear. The error message has been updated.

Feature The Save model checkbox has been added for the Modeler -> Schedule & Run popup.

Feature A new activity called contrast added to the image processing component.

Perf. imp. In File Operations -> File exists activity, İf the checked file cannot be found, only an error message is returned.

Feature Retry count feature has been added to File Operations -> File exists activity.

Feature A control has been added for whether the result is json object or not to the Schedule Process activity.

Perf. imp. Support for keeping formulas while copying Excels and displaying the formula results added to the Excel copy activity

Bug Fix Bugfix for broken formulas resulting from write dataset to Excel activity on a destination that contains formulas.

Bug Fix Mail search activity result updated to write sent date value to dataset instead of received date value

Perf. imp. Improvement on the pdf convert tables to html activity for the output of stripless pdfs.

Feature Timeout field added to mail send activity

Feature A new activity called move added to the MS Outlook component

Perf. imp. Support for more mail body types integrated to the mail component

Perf. imp. Improvements done in Mail Trigger screen according to user feedbacks.

Bug Fix Bug fix for pdf convert tables to html activity for pdf files with empty pages.

Feature Test connection button has been added to Create FTP definiton and Edit FTP definiton details popups in RPA Admin -> FTP Definitions page.

Feature The failed component name has been made visible in the Monitoring Application.

Perf. imp. Improvement on the performance of the computer vision get largest rectangle activity.

Feature Double quotes support added for the Applications - Set methods activity field property.

Perf. imp. Improvement on memory deallocation in Excel close activity.

Feature A new activity called merge cells has been added to the Word component.

Feature Send delivery receipt and send read receipt fields added to mail send activity.

Feature A new property has been added to the Word Replace activity to add a new line before, after, or both before and after the word to be replaced.

Feature The default backdrop value for all popup areas in Orchestrator is static.

Bug Fix Bug fix for the dataset minus activity of two identical datasets.

Bug Fix Bugfix for pdf size larger than A4 in Pdf to Html activity .

Feature Office365_Authenticated option has been added to the Type property of the Mail - Exchange connection activity.

Bug Fix Bugfix for the use of phrases containing newlines in Word - Replace activity.

Feature ANSI Format has been added to the Text File - Create activity.

Feature Validation control has been added to the Windows System- Set secure value activity.

Bug Fix Bug fix for replying and forwarding mail by changing the empty subject field in mail component.

Feature A new activity called read from file added to outlook component to read mail details from saved msg files.

Feature Column property has been added to Xml - Get Value activity.

Feature Connector-gui design was updated according to User Experiences.

Feature Ready to deploy demo processes added in setup files.

Feature Opera browser support has been added to Applications -Open activity.

Feature Time information has been added to the date information on the Scheduler -> Processes page.

Feature Opera attach support has been added to Applications -Open activity.

Feature Profile support has been added for Applications - Open activity opera browser type.

Feature A new activity called export from tiff added under the file operations component to export images from multiple image tiff files.

Feature A new property called invisible has been added to Application - Wait actions activity.

Feature The Charset used for the ANSI format added to the Text File - Create activity has been updated to windows-1252.

Feature Send delivery receipt and send read receipt fields added to MS Outlook send activity.

Feature Multiple App Group support added for Apps.

May 30, 2022


Robusta RPA 2022.05

Perf. imp. Special character entry is blocked for the process name and key fields.

Feature Non-application variables used for Orchestrator applications can be viewed and updated.

Feature The version of the imported process in the exported environment has been added as data-object.

Feature Validation error is provided for incorrectly entered "process key".

Feature Close connection feature has been added under the Mail component.

Feature Horizontal merge support has been added to the dataset merge activity so that two datasets can be merged side by side.

Feature Wildcard support has been added to title search in Window actions method.

Bug Fix Bug fix for deformed mail attachment names resulting from special characters in mail send activity.

Feature The exception type was updated as SQLException in all methods of the database component and the SQL error code values ​​received were added to the error messages returned.

Feature Defining a variable to a data object and returning the result values ​​of these variables as output support has been added to Soap Connector.

Bug Fix Screenshot list bug in Rpa-admin application fixed.

Feature New activity called remove cell style was added to the Excel component.

Bug Fix Validation control has been added and default values ​​have been set to ensure that the criteria entered in the Generate Random Password method are not longer than the desired password length.

Bug Fix Error received during app publishing in modeler has been fixed.

Bug Fix Scheduler process list scroll bar is prevented from moving to the top.

Feature StartedUser information has been added to the Monitoring (Kibana) application logs.

Feature The information of the applications in which a process is involved has been made visible on the screen.

Feature Include Header parameter has been added to dataset save as activity for selecting whether to print dataset headers.

Feature Wait after-action parameter has been added to keyboard send hotkey activity for determining how long to wait after the hotkey is entered.

Feature The secured key definition screen in the RPA-admin module has been made tenant compatible.

Feature The autofit rows/columns method has been added to the Excel component.

Bug Fix The Modeler Application has been improved so that names starting with numbers cannot be given for the model name and key fields.

Feature A new activity called read JSON has been added to read text or file content in JSON format.

Bug Fix Validation control has been added before processes are exported. If the process is not valid, an arrangement has been made to not allow to export.

Feature A new activity called rename sheet has been added to the Excel component.

Feature Include Header parameter has been added to write dataset to word activity for selecting whether to print dataset headers.

Feature Support for writing the particular area instead of the whole range has been added to write dataset to excel activity.

Bug Fix The problem of not canceling the waiting processes in the scheduled-process list of the Scheduler application has been resolved.

Bug Fix Displayed processes in the scheduler application made compatible for the users with the same tenant information.

Feature Three new fields named border style, border position, and border color have been added to Excel set cell style component.

Feature A new activity called merge/unmerge cells has been added to the Excel component.

Feature A new activity called pivot table has been added to the MS Excel component.

Feature A new activity called refresh pivot table has been added to the MS Excel component.

Feature A new activity called run macro has been added to the MS Excel component.

Feature A new activity called remove lines has been added to the Image processing component.

Feature Support for sending mail without filling the to field but only cc or bcc fields has been added.

Feature When defining a mail event, support for multiple values of the fields to, from and subject has been added to allow the processes to be triggered. Partial match feature for to and from fields has been added to mail event definition.

Feature The result variable fields used in the web component get methods and functions methods have been made mandatory and validation has been added.

Feature A new activity called read text file to variable has been added to the text file component.

Perf. imp. Support for saving images while saving excel sheets as pdf.

Bug Fix Bug fix for losing cell style while formatting the cells in Excel format activity.

Feature Two new features named horizontal alignment and vertical alignment have been added to the excel set cell style activity.

Feature Support for determining the match score as a parameter from the frontend has been added in ICU match image and Computer Vision image matching activities.

Perf. imp. Improvement to preserve merged cells has been done in Excel copy activity.

Feature Train model option has been added to the projects page in the RPA-admin chatbot tab.

Feature File attachment support has been added when mail is being read via Exchange connection

Feature Support for extracting encrypted zip files has been added to the unzip activity in the File Operations component.

Bug Fix Bug fix for process filtering in the Scheduler application.

Perf. imp. Database service MS-SQL jar version has been updated to 7.4.0.

Bug Fix The use of input parameters that contain vault in the set to clipboard activity was prevented by validation.

Bug Fix Intent and utterance are added by considering the parent-child relationship in the chatbot component.

Feature Defining a variable to a data object and returning the result values ​​of these variables as output support has been added to Rest Service.

Bug Fix The validation error encountered while updating the mail event has been resolved.

Feature A new activity called save has been added to the MS Outlook component.

Perf. imp. The loader displayed on the front side has been removed to display the events page immediately.

Bug Fix Component name has been added to the error log in order to easily identify which components have the missing images.

Bug Fix "File already exists" error when overwrite is set to true in upload activity in SSH and FTP components has been fixed.

Bug Fix Bug fix for directory not found error when the directory names contain regex expression in FTP service activities.

Bug Fix Control for the mails without subject field has been added to IMAP mail search activity.

Feature The option to manually enter the site key value in the ReCaptcha activity has been added when it is not found on the html page.

Bug Fix The messages displayed during the test connection are updated to be printed separately on the Mail Definitions page in the rpa-admin module.

Bug Fix The display format of the day in the scheduler cron pattern has been improved.

Bug Fix Bug fix for writing dataset whose data retrieved from sources other than an excel file in the write dataset to excel activity.

Bug Fix The number of events that can be added to mail definitions has been increased.

Perf. imp. Case insensitive search support has been added for the subject field in the mail event.

Bug Fix Bug fix for losing cell format while setting the cell styles in Excel set cell style activity.

Feature Auto-scrolling support has been added to the top of the process list after selecting the app on the Modeler process list screen.

Bug Fix Bug fix for directory not found error in FTP service activities.

Bug Fix Process list has been updated according to the value in the file.

Bug Fix Bug fix for enabling/disabling the screenshot feature in the rpa-admin module.

Bug Fix Bug fix for the overlap error in excel sheets with merged regions.

Perf. imp. PDF convert tables to html activity has been improved to support pdf tables of different structures.

Perf. imp. Error messages for the Script task component have been made more descriptive.

Bug Fix In some environments, the error that the mail sent with the mail send activity is sent with the remote connection username established to connect to the environment instead of the connected mail address has been fixed.

Bug Fix Bug fix for duplicate or missing results while filtering the dataset.

Feature A new activity called get largest rectangle has been added to the Computer vision component.

Bug Fix Support for setting a formula to the empty cells has been added in Excel set formula activity.

Bug Fix Support for preserving cell styles in excel clear sheet activity has been added.

Bug Fix Support for preserving cell styles in excel copy sheet activity has been added.

Feature Copy as value option has been added to the copy sheet activity.

Bug Fix An error message has been logged for obtaining secure key values ​​that are not in the vault.

Bug Fix Bug fix for writing files to the dataset that are linked to another excel file.

Feature A new activity called base64 decoder to Computer vision component.

Feature The Script Task script format field has been adjusted to be selected by a combo box.

Feature MS Excel pivot activity has been improved to support multiple rows/columns selection.

Perf. imp. Performance improvements were made in Icu, image processing and computer vision methods.

Feature A new activity called get dimensions has been added to the computer vision component.

Bug Fix Support for filtering boolean type columns that are returning true or false has been added.

Feature Set SAP Command activity has been improved to press enter key if there is no button to click or the button cannot be clicked.

Bug Fix Displayed processes in the scheduler application made compatible for the users with the same tenant information.

Feature Otsu threshold support has been added to threshold activity in the image processing component.

Feature Selecting the image file option has been added to the Modeler form editor. • A new activity called mrz reader to the computer vision component to detect and read the mrz field in passports and id cards.

Feature OCR-B support has been added to OCR components.

Bug Fix The SMTP read timeout value has been increased to 5 minutes.

December 31, 2021


Robusta RPA 2021.12

Feature Added the feature of keeping records of login attempts in the system in the database.

Feature Robusta application links were added into the logout menu to make easier switching between apps.

Feature A new field has been added to enter additional features when opening a new browser in web applications.

Feature Multiple SQL line entries are provided in the Execute Query method of the database component.

Feature Partial blurring of the given coordinate feature has been added to the image processing blur component.

Feature The product has been given the ability to solve reCAPTCHA V2 captchas.

Feature Added support for changing the mail subject to the mail forward component.

Feature In order to prevent data loss during the design phase, the auto-save capability, which runs at certain time intervals, has been added to the Design Studio.

Feature Added “delete by filter” feature to dataset remove row component.

Feature Get credential method has been added to get the information of Generic Credentials defined in Credential Manager.

Feature Added send component to MS Outlook.

Feature Added support for case sensitive search in the subject field of the mail search activity.

Feature A meaningful “attachment file not found” error message has been added to mail send component.

Feature By date ASC/DESC sorting was made possible in the Scheduler process list.

Feature Added write to text file component to write the variable to a file.

Feature More detailed hint examples of the inputs in the Icu component are given.

Feature The Worker field under the Working properties tab on the Scheduler screen has been moved under the Scheduling properties tab.

Feature A more detailed error message is provided in case of a disconnection in the flows between components during process validation.

Feature The feature of collective action on more than one process in the same state has been added on the Scheduler > Scheduled Processes screen.

Feature The Boundary event module has been edited to give an error during the validation phase when it is not connected to any component.

Feature Browser Recording feature has been added to Modeler. This feature, which you can access via the Processes screen, monitors movements such as clicking on the browser, entering text content, choosing from a dropdown, and allows you to save these movements as BPMN process activities. This feature, which works in the Worker layer, supports Chrome and Edge browsers.

Feature The Download Logs link in RPA Admin has been moved to the top right menu.

Feature Setting secure value feature was introduced in the process. In addition, random passwords were created in the process according to the specified input criteria.

Feature The feature of catching errors in REST/SOAP operations with Http Task has been added.

Feature A new component that creates HTML table from dataset to the given path has been developed.

Feature Scheduler Process Flow Diagram can be seen for the same user tenant id.

Feature Added ability to search and colorize components in design studio screen.

Feature The name of the drag and drop component in the design studio is made to be written together with the group name.

Feature By adding the worker name field to the Schedule process component, the process can be sent to the desired worker.

Feature The ability to create subfolders has been added to the mail create folder component.

Feature Added Dataset Get rows as json component for multiple rows.

Feature The feature of catching errors that may occur during the operation of the Script Task component by using a specific error code has been added.

Feature Added "forgot password" fields to the login screen and "change password" fields to the design studio for Community Edition users.

Feature Added the feature of detecting and automatically terminating processes that take longer than a certain time.

Feature The variable, which indicates at which turn of the cycle a process containing subprocess ends, is displayed on the Scheduler process summary screen.

Feature Front-end development has been provided for the chatbot application.

Feature A tool has been developed to facilitate obtaining a dump(heap/thread) file from the client environment.

Feature When the relevant process is wanted to be run in the process design studio, if the selected worker is disabled, busy, this information is displayed in the info field on the screen.

Feature Added MSWINDOWS type which will work similar to Applications Open component WINDOWS type but more stable.

Feature The Update Xml method has been added, which allows the value of the xpath given to the xml component to be updated.

Feature Brighten and deskew methods have been added to the image processing service.

Feature For processes that cannot be opened/drawn on the design screen during import, additional information is provided to show which component the error is caused by.

Feature Added open, create, save, save as, close, read excel to dataset, write dataset to excel components to MS Excel.

Feature Password saving feature of Chrome browser is disabled in Applications Open method.

Feature A new feature has been added for screen outputs and error messages of the application or script that run from the command line.

Feature Added a new OCR component that reads the document word by word.

Feature The log level of Orchestrator applications has been made changeable via Rpa Admin.

Feature Added a new feature that shows the black and white dispersion ratio of the image files.

Feature Added a feature of detecting and automatically terminating processes containing any activity (except subProcess, callActivity) that takes longer than a certain time.

Feature Erode and dilate methods have been added to the image processing service.

Feature Worker version information added to log messages.

Feature The background color of the selected process in the scheduler list is darkened.

Feature A new method has been added to get the color distribution of the image files.

Feature A new feature added to the keyboard service to use the last defined keyboard layout when the current keyboard layout cannot be detected.

Feature The download attachments feature, which is one of the mail operations, has also been added to MS Outlook component.

Feature In the Scheduled Processes screen, querying for the TIMED_OUT status assigned for jobs that could not be completed within a certain time has been provided.

Feature DB2 database support has been provided to the database component.

Feature Sybase database support has been provided to the database component.

Feature A new component added for performing Excel file operations by MS Excel.

Feature PostgreSql database support was provided to the database component.

Bug Fix The Log4J vulnerability was fixed by upgrading the version.

Perf. imp. Added more detailed error messages in Window actions component.

Perf. imp. Errors caused by the property name while publishing the app, become more detailed.

Bug Fix The download error that occurs when the file name in the mail attachment contains characters that are not supported by windows has been fixed.

Bug Fix Fixed RPA admin warning message about remaining license time.

Bug Fix Headless error during PDF reading has been resolved.

Bug Fix Fixed the occasional "Screen capture failed" error when taking screenshots in ICU Match image method.

Bug Fix Fixed the error for copying data from formula cells in excel copy component.

Bug Fix The "Process Name" column on the "Scheduled Processes" screen has been set to display the correct value.

Bug Fix Fixed date display problem in Scheduled Processes list.

Bug Fix The error that occurs when there is a back-slash(\) character in the Parameters field in the Scheduled Process component has been fixed.

Feature Vault support provided to Http Task component.

Bug Fix Bugfix for clearing the given area in the sheet in excel clear sheet component.

Perf. imp. A more detailed display of cron parameters has been provided.

Perf. imp. Performance of barcode reader component for documents with multi-barcode has been improved.

Perf. imp. Improvements have been made in the HTML conversion of pdf files.

Perf. imp. Performance improvement was achieved by reviewing threads related to scheduled tasks.

Perf. imp. Error checks were provided for the database component and the code was improved.

Bug Fix "Interval" field has been made mandatory for the "Trigger" event type in the event definition screen for Rpa-admin Ftp Definition.

Feature Added a filtering feature to Scheduler where only processes that have a running job can be listed.

Perf. imp. In case the Worker works on a network that is not open to the internet, internal ip is sent to the orchestrator.

Perf. imp. Process detail logs have been made sortable and searchable.

Bug Fix The App group field has been prevented from appearing in the “Edit Process Form”.

Bug Fix Fixed "message removed exception" error in mail search component.

Perf. imp. The publish error that is received when the input defined as ${} starts with a numeric character or contains a space has been made meaningful.

Bug Fix Prevented worker duplication in the worker selection screen if a worker was in more than one worker group.

Perf. imp. Memory improvement was made by adding dataset last access time information.

Bug Fix The missing logs error that is received while downloading process detail logs has been fixed.

Bug Fix Removed semicolon requirement and single-quote and double-quote checks from database query validation.

Perf. imp. VbScript code improvement was made and the result variable property was added.

Perf. imp. Error handling improvement in database DML operations

Perf. imp. All related records have been made listable for Scheduled Process Query in Scheduler > Scheduled Process screen.

Bug Fix The problem that applications with more than 1000 deployments cannot be listed on the Scheduler > Processes screen has been fixed.

Feature Added US keyboard layout support to Keyboard service.

Perf. imp. Improved connection management in database operations.

Bug Fix The error that the empty cells cannot be formatted in the Excel Set cell style method has been fixed.

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