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Form Components

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Form Components

Form components are elements that allow the form to be easily edited and created.

TextText component can be used if a text value is desired to be retrieved from the user.
PasswordPassword component can be used for the user to enter password information.
Multiline textMultiline Text component is very similar to the Text component. It is intended for longer text.
NumberThe Number component can be used if integer values are to be retrieved from the user.
DecimalDecimal component can be used if decimal number values are to be retrieved from the user.
CheckboxThe Checkbox shows the choice between two values: true and false.
DateAllows the user to select a date on a calendar.
DropdownAllows the user to select one of the defined options from within a dropdown.
Radio buttonsThe Radio Buttons component provides a choice between two or more options.
PeoplePeople component can be used to add people to the form.
Group of peopleGroup of people component can be used to add groups to the form.
UploadUpload component can be used to upload files to the form.
ExpressionExpressions can be added to the form.
HyperlinkHyperlink component is used to add a link to the form.
SpacerSpacer component can be used to add space to the form for design purposes.
Horizontal lineHorizontal line component can be used to add a horizontal line to the form for design purposes.
HeadlineHeadline component can be used to add a header to the form for design purposes.
HeadlineHeadline component can be used to add an underlined title to the form for design purposes .

Edit Components

When a component is added to the form, this component appears in the design section

  • Press the edit button on the right of the component.

General Edit Field

LabelThe visible name of element.
Override idIf checkbox is not selected, the name in label becomes the id of element, if it is selected, a different id can be given.
RequiredSpecifies whether element is required field.
Read-onlyMake element content read-only.
PlaceholderPlaceholder text, located inside a form field, is an description or example of the information required for a particular field.

Advanced Edit Field

Minimum lengthThe minimum number of characters in element content
Maximum lengthThe maximum number of characters in element content
Regex standartCodes according to regular expression standard can be specified.
Input maskThe characters of the data to be entered can be determined from the Input mask field.

Since both Required and Read-only jobs are mutually exclusive, they should not be checked simultaneously. Otherwise, the form cannot be completed by the user.

Since both the character type and the number are determined in the Input Mask field, the Minimum or Maximum length fields should not be used if this field is used. If mutually exclusive rules are defined, the form cannot be completed. (For example, if the Input mask field has 10 characters but the Maximum length field is 5).

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