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Computer Vision

Get largest rectangle

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Get largest rectangle activity is used for getting the largest rectangle-shaped object in an image.

*Image file nameName and path of image file.
*Return x-positionFinal x-position, variable name defined to assign the x-coordinate found.
*Return y-position
Final y-position, variable name defined to assign the y-coordinate found.
*Return widthFinal width, variable name defined to assign the width found.
*Return heightFinal height, variable name defined to assign the heightfound.
Note: * Fields selected with are required, others are optional.

You can use the Image file image as shown in the example.


You can use the Return x-position as shown in the example.


You can use the Return y-position as shown in the example.


You can use the Return width as shown in the example.


You can use the Return height as shown in the example.


You can use Return x-position and Return y-position variables in Mouse activity in Keyboard & Mouse Operations.

In the example above, the coordinates of the text specified in the Text field will be scanned and a value will be returned to the xPositionValue and yPositionValue variables (For example: 300,280). When we select LEFT_CLICK from the combobox in the Action field of the Mouse Activity and write these returned variables as $ {xPositionValue} and $ {xPositionValue} into the X Position and Y Position fields, the returned values 300 and 280 will be used in the Mouse activity with the variable. As a result of the operation, left mouse click will be performed on the text specified in the Text field.

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