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File Operations

List files

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List files activity is used for listing file/folder names in folder.

*Directory nameThe file name or the folder name with path.
*Dataset nameThe reference name is given to the dataset which will create in this field.
Note: * Fields selected with are required, others are optional.

You can use the Directory name as shown in the example.


You can use the Dataset name as shown in the example.

Dataset transferred file and folder names form 5 columns.
Folder/file full directory in column A:

C:Tempdeneme or C:Temptest.xlsx

Folder/file name in column B:

test or text.xlsx

If the folder name is taken in the C column, it is written as “Directory”, if the file name is taken, it is written as “File”.

The resulting dataset appears as follows when excelling Excel. Without excel, the rows of the list in the data set can be taken in the loop.

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