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Starting Robusta RPA Worker and Connection to Robusta Orchestrator

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Starting Robusta RPA Worker

To start Robusta RPA Worker double click the shortcut on your desktop.
If the shortcut is not available the worker file is located under the following folder: C:RobustaWorkerCE/RWorkerCE.exe

Once you started Robusta Worker, you can see the status of the worker.

It may take up to 10 min. until Robusta Worker is completely up and running depending on the configuration of the computer. You will see the status as shown in the picture if the worker is up.

When Robusta Worker is ready, Robusta Orchestrator Login screen will open automatically.

On the login screen, provide the requested information in the table below and press the Connect button.

UsernameYour username (eg. john.doe)
PasswordYour password (eg. abc123)

The buttons on the left provide a quick access to the sites and applications.

  • Modeler – Redirects to modeler website”
  • Winspy – is a Robusta application that is used to access web browsers and windows applications and access relevant XPath information.
  • Need Help? – It directs you to the Robusta Documentation website.

To start Robusta RPA Worker double click the shortcut on your desktop.
If the shortcut is not available the worker file is located under the following folder: C:RobustaWorkerCE/RWorkerCE.exe

Once you started Robusta Worker, you can check the status on Robusta icon at taskbar.

It may take up to 10 min. until Robusta Worker is completely up and running depending on the configuration of the computer. You will see the status as shown in the picture if the worker is up.

Connection to Robusta Orchestrator Web Application

Open the connection screen by double clicking the Start Robusta Connector hotkey on the desktop. If there is no shortcut on the desktop, you can open the connection screen by running the file in the directory: C:RobustaWorkerCERobustaConnector-GUI.bat .

Once you start the connector, you will see the Robusta Orchestrator Login screen. On the login screen, provide the requested information in the table below and press the Connect button.

UsernameYour username (eg. john.doe)
PasswordYour password (eg. abc123)
Worker Port Number8843
Orch or Your orchestrator server IP address
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Starting Robusta RPA Worker and Connection to Robusta Orchestrator

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