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Documentation 2023.12

Robusta RPA

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Robusta RPA: Your Digital Workforce

Robusta RPA is a powerful tool that lets you automate your company’s repetitive tasks. Think of it as a way to create your own digital workforce! It helps you design, manage, and run software robots that can perform tasks just like a human would – but faster and without errors.

How Robusta RPA Works

Robusta RPA uses two main components:

  • Orchestrator: This is the brain of the operation. It’s where you design, schedule, and manage your automated processes and robots.
  • Robots: These are the digital workers that carry out the tasks you define. They can interact with your applications and systems just like a human employee would.

Robusta RPA System Requirements

Robusta RPA installation includes the installation of Robusta Orchestrator and Robusta Worker. Robusta Orchestrator server is required for system management and process designs. Robusta Worker installation is required for processes to run and for automation.

Robusta Orchestrator Server System Requirements1

FeatureMinimum System RequirementRecommended System Requirement
Processor64 Bit – 4 Core64 Bit – 4 Core or more
RAM16 GB32 GB or above
Storage Space256 GB256 GB or above
Operating SystemWindows Server 2016 or above
Operating System LanguageEnglish
Administrator PrivilegesLocal Admin
Ports9080, 8443
AutoLogonEnabled (Not required)
Internet ConnectionRequired for downloading installation files and web automation
Database2PostgreSQL or access connection to the database to be installed (JDBC support required)
  1. Orchestrator server requirements may vary depending on the Chatbot and Document Understanding features being utilized.
  2. Robusta RPA will be installed on the Orchestrator server with a PostgreSQL database unless a specific selection is made for the installation. If there is a specifically managed and used database server, the installation can be done there by granting access authorization to this database.

Robusta Digital Worker System Requirements3

FeatureMinimum System RequirementRecommended System Requirement
Processor64 Bit – 4 Core64 Bit – 4 Core or more
RAM416 GB16 GB or above
Storage Space128 GB128 GB or above
Operating SystemWindows Server 2016 or Windows 10 or newer
Operating System LanguageEnglish
Administrator PrivilegesLocal Admin
Ports9080, 8443
AutoLogonEnabled (Not required)
Lock ScreenDisabled
Screen Resolution1920X1080 – %100 
Automatic RestartDisabled
Windows Developer ModeEnabled
Internet ConnectionRequired for downloading installation files and web automation
  1. System requirements may vary depending on the specific needs of individual robotic process automation projects, particularly due to the system requirements of any third-party software being utilized.
  2. Handling large data files during automation can be memory-intensive. You may need to upgrade your RAM to ensure smooth and efficient processing.

Robusta RPA Architectural Structure

Robusta Orchestrator and Robusta Worker Service Architecture

Robusta Orchestrator and Robusta Worker Installation Architecture

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