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Design a Process with Robusta Modeler

Estimated reading: 3 minutes 608 views

You can login to Modeler (Design Studio) by using the orchestrator server IP address or domain address. For example: or

You can use the same username and password in the worker connection process. Type your username and password to login to the Modeler.

In Processes tab, you will find the menus to create, import, search and edit processes.

To create a new process, click Create Process button.

Fill the necessary fields and click Create New Model button.

You must enter the Model name and Model key fields.

Following screenshots show a process in design studio. On the left panel, you can the see BPM and RPA components all together. On the right side, you can see the canvas where we generate process flow.

You just need to drag and drop a selected activity onto the canvas and fill necessary parameters. To define the flow, you need to connect the activities to each other by using arrows.

For example, the values for Move activity under File operations may be set as given at the following table:

File nameC:TrainingProcessesMoveFileFiletoMove.txt
Destination pathC:TrainingProcessesMoveFileFoldertoMoveFiletoMoveNew.txt

Drag and drop arrow icon on the activity to connect two activities.

After you completed the process flow, you should validate the model to check for errors. You can use the Validate button to validate your model.

Once you validated the process flow, you must save the model. You can use the Save button to save your model.

After saving a process, this process should be included in an App to be run. In Apps tab, you will find the menus to create, import, edit apps.

To create a App, you need to click Create App button, fill necessary fields and then, click Create New App Definition button.

Set Group access “Your Group Id” to prevent your app to be seen by others.

To add your model into an app, click Edit included models button and select the process to be included in your app. Once you select your model, and see the plus icon on your model, click Close button.

Click Save button to save your app.

Click Publish? check box, then click Save and close editor button.

To run your process, go back to Processes tab and select your process.

To run the process on a worker, click Play button.

Select your Application and Worker then click Run Process button.

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Design a Process with Robusta Modeler

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