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How to Guides

Start Opera with Specific Profile

Estimated reading: 1 minute 213 views

During the process, it may be required to open websites in a specific profile. The necessary settings should be pre-configured and saved in the profile.

To create a new Opera account: Click Here

  • Go to the directory where Opera is installed.
  • The default directory is: C:Users……….AppDataLocalProgramsOperalauncher.exe
  • Right Click on the launcher.exe file located in the relevant directory and create a new shortcut.

  • A new folder should be created under the C: directory for the profile that you want to edit and use.
  • C:OperaProfile

  1. Right-click on the newly created Launcher.exe shortcut
  2. Then, Click on Properties.
  3. –user-data-dir=C:OperaProfile is added to the end of the Target section.
  4. To save the changes, press the apply button and close it by clicking OK.
  • Open Opera using the newly created shortcut and make the desired settings (e.g. sidebar closed, VPN enabled, ad blocking enabled, etc.).

  • The directory address is written in the Profile Directory properties field within the Open component.
  • C:OperaProfile
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Start Opera with Specific Profile

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