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IDM (Identity management)


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Privileges is an interface that you can manage who or which group can access where.

There are 3 different authorization control areas in this section.

Access ModulesManage access to modules is managed based on individuals and groups.
Restrict PagesManage access to pages of modules with access permission is restricted. It is managed on an individual basis.
Restrict FunctionsManage access to functions of modules with access permission is restricted. It is managed on an individual basis.

UsersManage users for the relevant application.
GroupsManage groups for the relevant application.
Add a userAdd a user for the relevant application.
ID User name.
EmailEmail of user
NameFirst and last name of user.

To Add Users

  • Click Add a user
  • If no users added yet, Click No users added yet. Click here to add a user.
  • Use the search box to find users

To Add Groups

  • Click Add a group
  • Use the search box to find groups.

To Delete User/Group

Click trashcan icon.

Access identity management applicationManage the permissions of users and user groups authorized to access the IDM module.
Access admin applicationManage the permissions of users and user groups authorized to access the Admin module
Access modeler applicationManage the permissions of users and user groups authorized to access the Modeler module
Access the workflow applicationManage the permissions of users and user groups authorized to access the Workflow module
Access the RPA admin applicationManage the permissions of users and user groups authorized to access the RPA Admin module
Access the scheduler applicationManage the permissions of users and user groups authorized to access the Scheduler module
Access the Rest APIManage the permissions of users and user groups authorized to access the Rest API
IDM GroupsManage the permissions of users authorized to access the Groups page
IDM PrivilegesManage the permissions of users authorized to access the Privileges page
IDM UsersManage the permissions of users authorized to access the Users page
Modeler App EditorManage the permissions of users authorized to access the Modeler App Editor page
Modeler App Show DetailsManage the permissions of users authorized to access the Modeler App Show Details page
Modeler AppsManage the permissions of users authorized to access the Modeler Apps page
Modeler Decision Table EditorManage the permissions of users authorized to access the Decision Table Editor page
Modeler Decision Table Show DetailsManage the permissions of users authorized to access the Modeler Decision Table Show Details page
Modeler Decision TablesManage the permissions of users authorized to access the Decision Tables page
Modeler Form EditorManage the permissions of users authorized to access the Modeler Form Editor page
Modeler Form Show DetailsManage the permissions of users authorized to access the Modeler Form Show Details page
Modeler FormsManage the permissions of users authorized to access the Modeler Forms page
Modeler Process EditorManage the permissions of users authorized to access the Modeler Process Editor page
Modeler Process Show DetailsManage the permissions of users authorized to access the Modeler Process Show Details page
Modeler ProcessesManage the permissions of users authorized to access he Modeler Processes page
Scheduler ProcessesManage the permissions of users authorized to access the Processes page
Scheduler Scheduled ProcessesManage the permissions of users authorized to access the Scheduled Processes page
Scheduler TasksManage the permissions of users authorized to access the Tasks page
RPA Admin ChatbotManage the permissions of users authorized to access the Chatbot page
RPA Admin Chatbot EntitiesManage the permissions of users authorized to access the Chatbot Entities page
RPA Admin Chatbot IntentsManage the permissions of users authorized to access the Chatbot Intents page
RPA Admin Chatbot ProjectsManage the permissions of users authorized to access the Chatbot Projects page
RPA Admin Chatbot Utterance EntitiesManage the permissions of users authorized to access the Chatbot Utterance Entities page
RPA Admin Chatbot UtterancesManage the permissions of users authorized to access the Chatbot Utterances page
RPA Admin Database DefinitionsManage the permissions of users authorized to access the Database Definitions page
RPA Admin Database EventsManage the permissions of users authorized to access the Database Events page
RPA Admin DatabasesManage the permissions of users authorized to access the Databases page
RPA Admin File EventsManage the permissions of users authorized to access the File Events page
RPA Admin Ftp DefinitionsManage the permissions of users authorized to access the Ftp Definitions page
RPA Admin Mail DefinitionsManage the permissions of users authorized to access the Mail Definitions page
RPA Admin Secured KeysManage the permissions of users authorized to access the Secured Keys page
RPA Admin System ParametersManage the permissions of users authorized to access the System Parameters page
RPA Admin Worker Build InfoManage the permissions of users authorized to access the Worker Build Info page
RPA Admin Worker DefinitionsManage the permissions of users authorized to access the Worker Definitions page
RPA Admin Worker GroupsManage the permissions of users authorized to access the Worker Groups page
RPA Admin Worker ScreenshotsManage the permissions of users authorized to access the Worker Screenshots page
RPA Admin WorkersManage the permissions of users authorized to access the Workers page
Add Privilege To GroupManage the permissions of users authorized to access the Add Privilege To Group function
Add Privilege To UserManage the permissions of users authorized to access the Add Privilege To User function
Add User To GroupManage the permissions of users authorized to access the Add User To Group function
Change User DetailsManage the permissions of users authorized to access the Change User Details function
Change User PasswordManage the permissions of users authorized to access the Change User Password function
Create GroupManage the permissions of users authorized to access the Create Group function
Create UserManage the permissions of users authorized to access the Create User function
Delete GroupManage the permissions of users authorized to access the Delete Group function
Delete UserManage the permissions of users authorized to access the Delete User function
Edit GroupManage the permissions of users authorized to access the Edit Group function
Remove Privilege From GroupManage the permissions of users authorized to access the Remove Privilege From Group function
Remove Privilege From UserManage the permissions of users authorized to access the Remove Privilege From User function
Remove User From GroupManage the permissions of users authorized to access the Remove User From Group function
Create AppManage the permissions of users authorized to access the Create App function
Create Decision TableManage the permissions of users authorized to access the Create Decision Table function
Create FormManage the permissions of users authorized to access the Create Form function
Create ProcessManage the permissions of users authorized to access the Create Process function
Edit AppManage the permissions of users authorized to access the Edit App function
Edit Decision TableManage the permissions of users authorized to access the Edit Decision Table function
Edit FormManage the permissions of users authorized to access the Edit Form function
Edit ProcessManage the permissions of users authorized to access the Edit Process function
Export AppsManage the permissions of users authorized to access the Export Apps function
Import AppManage the permissions of users authorized to access the Import App function
Import Decision TableManage the permissions of users authorized to access the Import Decision Table function
Import ProcessManage the permissions of users authorized to access the Import Process function
Record ProcessManage the permissions of users authorized to access the Record Process function
Create TaskManage the permissions of users authorized to access the Create Task function
Start ProcessManage the permissions of users authorized to access the Start Process function
Update Process StatusManage the permissions of users authorized to access the Update Process Status function
Add App to Worker GroupManage the permissions of users authorized to access the Add App to Worker Group function
Add Entity to UtteranceManage the permissions of users authorized to access the Add Entity to Utterance function
Add Worker to Worker GroupManage the permissions of users authorized to access the Add Worker to Worker Group function
Change Database Definition DetailsManage the permissions of users authorized to access the Change Database Definition Details function
Change Database Event DetailsManage the permissions of users authorized to access the Change Database Event Details function
Change Entity DetailsManage the permissions of users authorized to access the Change Entity Details function
Change File Event DetailsManage the permissions of users authorized to access the Change File Event Details function
Change Ftp Definition DetailsManage the permissions of users authorized to access the Change Ftp Definition Details function
Change Intent DetailsManage the permissions of users authorized to access the Change Intent Details function
Change Mail Definition DetailsManage the permissions of users authorized to access the Change Mail Definition Details function
Change Project DetailsManage the permissions of users authorized to access the Change Project Details function
Change Secured Key DetailsManage the permissions of users authorized to access the Change Secured Key Details function
Change Utterance DetailsManage the permissions of users authorized to access the Change Utterance Details function
Change Utterance Entity DetailsManage the permissions of users authorized to access the Change Utterance Entity Details function
Change Worker Log LevelManage the permissions of users authorized to access the Change Worker Log Level function
Check Worker StatusManage the permissions of users authorized to access the Check Worker Status function
Create Database DefinitionManage the permissions of users authorized to access the Create Database Definition function
Create Database EventManage the permissions of users authorized to access the Create Database Event function
Create EntityManage the permissions of users authorized to access the Create Entity function
Create File EventManage the permissions of users authorized to access the Create File Event function
Create Ftp DefinitionManage the permissions of users authorized to access the Create Ftp Definition function
Create IntentManage the permissions of users authorized to access the Create Intent function
Create Mail DefinitionManage the permissions of users authorized to access the Create Mail Definition function
Create ProjectManage the permissions of users authorized to access the Create Project function
Create Secured KeyManage the permissions of users authorized to access the Create Secured Key function
Create UtteranceManage the permissions of users authorized to access the Create Utterance function
Create WorkerManage the permissions of users authorized to access the Create Worker function
Create Worker GroupManage the permissions of users authorized to access the Create Worker Group function
Delete App from Worker GroupManage the permissions of users authorized to access the Delete App from Worker Group function
Delete Database DefinitionManage the permissions of users authorized to access the Delete Database Definition function
Delete Database EventManage the permissions of users authorized to access the Delete Database Event function
Delete EntityManage the permissions of users authorized to access the Delete Entity function
Delete File EventManage the permissions of users authorized to access the Delete File Event function
Delete Ftp DefinitionManage the permissions of users authorized to access the Delete Ftp Definition function
Delete IntentManage the permissions of users authorized to access the Delete Intent function
Delete Mail DefinitionManage the permissions of users authorized to access the Delete Mail Definition function
Delete ProjectManage the permissions of users authorized to access the Delete Project function
Delete UtteranceManage the permissions of users authorized to access the Delete Utterance function
Delete Utterance EntityManage the permissions of users authorized to access the Delete Utterance Entity function
Delete WorkerManage the permissions of users authorized to access the Delete Worker function
Delete Worker from Worker GroupManage the permissions of users authorized to access the Delete Worker from Worker Group function
Delete Worker GroupManage the permissions of users authorized to access the Delete Worker Group function
Download Worker LogsManage the permissions of users authorized to access the Download Worker Logs function
Edit Worker GroupManage the permissions of users authorized to access the Edit Worker Group function
Enable/Disable Worker ScreenshottingManage the permissions of users authorized to access the Enable/Disable Worker Screenshotting function
Ftp Definition EventsManage the permissions of users authorized to access the Ftp Definition Events function
Mail Definition EventsManage the permissions of users authorized to access the Mail Definition Events function
Train Project ModelManage the permissions of users authorized to access the Train Project Model function
Update System ParametersManage the permissions of users authorized to access the Update System Parameters function
Update WorkerManage the permissions of users authorized to access the Update Worker function
Upload LicenseManage the permissions of users authorized to access the Upload License function
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