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General overview

Processes is an interface for creating processes, integrating the existing processing into the system or displaying these processes together.

To access the Processes interface, user information defined to your name must be used to login.

Processes interface

Navigation bar  You can switch between Processes, Form, Decision tables and Apps in navigation bar.
Create ProcessIt is used for creating new processes.
Import Process  It is used for importing a process XML file that was created before to add to the “Processes” interface.
Record ProcessAutomatically saves actions performed on screen and browser and convert them to processses.
Search bar  The processes wished to be searched on the “Processes” interface can be found through this bar.  
Main contentThe area that all processes are listed.

Create process

It is used for creating new processes.

  1. Click the Create Process button in the Process interface to create a process.
  2. After filling the fields, click the Create new model button.
Model name  The visible name of the model. Spaces can be used. It is a required field. Spaces can be used. The use of special characters is not allowed.
Model keyThe technical name of the model. Spaces cannot be used. It is a required field. The use of special characters is not allowed.
Priority  By default, it is 50. It shows the priority of a process. When there are processes more than one in t field, the process that own lower number has higher priority.  
Human effort  By default, it is 50. This field is used on the reporting screen to calculate how many man-days the robot does.
DescriptionThe description of the model. Used for documentation. It is not a required field.

Import process

It is used for importing a process XML file that was created before to add to the Processes interface.

  1. To add an existing process to the “Process” interface, click the Import process button.

2. Click the Dosya seç button to select the XML file where it is located or drag and drop XML file into Drop a .bpmn or .bpmn20.xml BPMN XML file field.

3. Process that is added is displayed in the Visual editor.

Note: If a process with the same name is added, it can be saved with the “Keep as new version” option.

Record process

Additional informations

The date information Licensed by Robusta till 2023-12-30 in the top left corner of the interface shows the last date when a user could use the “Processes” interface.

The date information Today at 10:21 AM at the bottom of the process window shows the last date when a user updated the process.

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