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Worker & Process Highlights

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With the Worker & Process Highlights Dashboard, you can view the start times of your Workers and processes running on Orchestrator, end lines, successful-unsuccessful completed processes, your processes running on a worker basis and much different information. There are a total of 20 panels and tables in the Worker & Process Highlights Dashboard.

Running Process

From the Running Process panel, you can view the number of processes that ran in the time interval you selected on Orchestrator.

Success Process

From the Success Process panel, you can view the number of successfully completed processes in the time interval you select on Orchestrator.

Failed Process

From the Failed Process panel, you can view the number of failed processes in the time interval you select on Orchestrator.

Cancelled Process

From the Cancelled Process panel, you can view the number of canceled processes in the time period you selected on Orchestrator.

Process Selection Filter

Work-App-Process Selection Filter is a filtering screen that allows you to view the information shown in this dashboard by filtering it for Worker, App and Process.

Most Used 5 Workers

With the Most Used 5 Workers chart, you can view how many processes the top 5 most used workers ran on Orchestrator during the time period you selected.

If you hover over the area indicated by the mouse on the graph, you can view the number of processes that the relevant worker has run. You can also filter on the basis of worker by clicking on the field shown.

Most Used 5 Workers by Processes

With the Most Used 5 Workers by Processes chart, you can view how many times the 5 most used workers ran which process on Orchestrator in the time period you selected.

If you hover over the area shown with the mouse on the graph, you can view the name of the process that the relevant worker has run and how many times it has run. You can also filter on the basis of worker and process by clicking on the field shown.

Most Used 5 Processes

With the Most Used 5 Processes chart, you can view the top 5 most run processes on Orchestrator during the time period you choose.

If you hover over the area indicated by the mouse on the graph, you can view the number of times the process runs. You can also filter on the basis of worker and process by clicking on the field shown.

Most Used 5 Processes by Status

With the Most Used 5 Processes by Status chart, you can see the status of the 5 most worked processes on Orchestrator in the time period you selected. You can view status statuses as successful, failed, and revoked.

If you hover over the area indicated by the mouse on the graph, you can view how many times the relevant process has run. You can also filter on the basis of worker and process status by clicking on the field shown.

End Status Distribution

With the End Status Distribution chart, you can view the successful, failed, and canceled statuses of the processes running on Orchestrator as a percentage during the time period you choose.

End Status Table by Process

With the End Status Table by Process table, you can view the number of failed processes that ran on Orchestrator during the time period you selected. You can download the table with all statuses to your computer by using the Export option at the bottom left. You can switch between pages by clicking on the pages at the bottom right.

Most Used 5 Workers by Start Date

With the Most Used 5 Workers by Start Date chart, you can view the number of times per day that workers working on Orchestrator worked during the time period you selected.

Most Used 5 Processes by Start Date

With the Most Used 5 Processes by Start Date chart, you can view the number of times per day that the processes running on Orchestrator ran during the time period you selected.

End Status by Start Date

With the End Status by Start Date chart, you can view the completion status of the processes running on Orchestrator on a daily basis during the time period you choose. By selecting a specific time range with the mouse, you can dynamically filter the chart and the entire dashboard.

Process & Status by Latest 5 Worker

With the Process & Status by Latest 5 Worker chart, you can view the processes run by the last 5 workers running on Orchestrator during the time period you choose and the completion status of these processes.

If you hover over the area shown with the mouse on the graph, you can view how many times the relevant process has been completed. You can also filter on the basis of worker and process status by clicking on the field shown.

Average Duration of Top 10 Processes in Minutes

With the Average Duration of Top 10 Processes in Minutes chart, you can view the average number of minutes the top 10 processes that worked on Orchestrator during the time period you selected.

Top 10 Failed Reason of Transactions

With the Top 10 Failed Reason of Transactions chart, you can view the top 10 reasons why processes fail due to tasks or activity in processes running on Orchestrator during the time period you select. Thanks to this graph, you can identify the tasks or activities that receive the most errors in your processes.

Status Trend by Worker

With the Status Trend by Worker chart, you can view the process completion status of the workers by date on Orchestrator as a trend in the time range you choose. Thanks to this graph, you can view which workers have succeeded or failed the processes on which dates. By selecting a specific time range with the mouse, you can dynamically filter the chart and the entire dashboard.

Process Status Trend by Date

With the Process Status Trend by Date chart, you can view the status of the processes completed on Orchestrator as a trend in the time period you choose. By selecting a specific time range with the mouse, you can dynamically filter the chart and the entire dashboard.

End Event Name Table by Process

With the End Event Name Table by Process table, you can view the activity with which the processes that were completed by failing on Orchestrator in the time interval you selected.  In the export field at the bottom right, you can download the table in CSV form to your computer and switch between pages using the page numbers at the bottom left.

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