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Processes area is an interface that allows planning for each process separately.

The fields in the Processes area and their usage is detailed below.

1. After entering the Scheduler page, you will see the screen where applications appear on. Select one of them and the application is entered. Click the Processes field to build a plan for each process in the application. A screen like the following is encountered in the Processes area. By clicking the Start process button on this screen, it is decided which process will be selected and then the planning is done for the process.

1.1 Select the application.

1.2 Click the Start a Process button to enter into the process

2. Time planning is made in periods on the basis of minute, hour, day, week, month and year within the desired process. In addition, you can determine through this field the working conditions of process, such as which digital employee will work on that process, and what kind of planning will be made according to the process ending with error and ending with success. There are two properties for such cases: Scheduling and Working properties. In the Scheduling properties, you can plan with respect to time, in the Working properties, you can plan what worker do in case of error or success. Click the Start process button after you are done with this area.

EveryIt is the field that allows the process to be planned on the basis of minute, hour, day, week, month, year. After the desired expression is selected on the combo box, time scheduling is done.
Start dateThe day information on which the planning will start is selected from the calendar field.
End dateThe date on which the planning will end is selected from the calendar.
OnceIf the process will be run once (1), it is run without entering the day information, start and end dates, only by clicking this field.
ImmediatelyIt enables the process to run immediately / instantaneously on the desired digital employee without waiting in line.
WorkerAllows the process to be run again in case of an unexpected error, the number of digits to be written in this field. (Ex: 3; if the process results in an error, it is run 3 more times.)
Retry countThe number of retry of process
Retry DelayA delay time can be selected so that the processes can be repeated in case of errors.
PreEventIt is the area where the prerequisites needed for the process to run are determined. After the prerequisite definitions are made in the RPA-Admin area, the definitions are made by selecting the process-specific PreEvent combo box. (Options: FTP, MAIL, FILE)
Post processIt is the area where another process to be added will be planned in case the process ends successfully or unsuccessfully. By clicking the checkbox, the process to be run in case of successful and / or unsuccessful completion is selected from the combo box list.
Send process logsSends process logs of working process.

3. After the process is started, it is observed from the Processes interface at run time; Successful and / or unsuccessful results are examined in detail through the Show Log, Show Diagram interfaces. Processes generally successful, unsuccessful, etc. Click the Show logs to observe logs and cause of error.

When you click Showing running processes, you can search watch and search processes.

RunningShows running processes.
FailedShows failed processes.
CancelledShows cancelled processes.
SuccessShows successful processes.
AllShows all processes.
Process NameSearch by process name.
Start DateDefine start date to search.
End DateDefine end date to search.
SearchClick Search button to search processes according to the certain conditions.
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