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Scheduled processes

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The Scheduled Process area allows display of many information such as the names, status, scheduling times and frequencies of all digital employees / robots (workers) that are scheduled for time.

The Scheduled Process field can be accessed by clicking on any of the applications (applications) on the Scheduler landing page.

By clicking on the Task app application (apps) in the first image below, the Scheduled Processes field in the second image is displayed.

You can see all processes, their status, date information and working conditions.

Left section

PROCESS NAMEIn order to reach any process in the list on the right, the name of the process is entered in this field.
PROCESS KEYKey information is entered in this field to search according to the keys used in the processes in the list on the right.
Exact matchIt allows to make an exact match.
PARAMETERSParameter information is entered in this field to search according to the parameters used in the processes in the list on the right. Parameteres be given in json file format.
WORKERIt allows to search by worker in the list in the right pane. The desired worker is selected from the list.
PROCESS STATUSIt allows to search according to the status of the processes in the list in the right pane. The desired status information is selected from the list. (INITIAL, SCHEDULED, PAUSING, PAUSED, RESUMING, RESUMED, CANCELLING, CANCELLED, COMPLETED, WAITING).
START DATEIt enables the processes in the list on the right to be searched according to their starting dates. Date information is selected from the opened calendar. If you want to give a range, other date information is entered in the second field.
END DATEIt allows the processes in the list on the right to be searched according to their end dates. Date information is selected from the opened calendar. If you want to give a range, other date information is entered in the second field.
SCHEDULED DATEIt enables the processes in the list on the right to be searched according to their planned dates. Date information is selected from the opened calendar. If you want to give a range, other date information is entered in the second field.
Recurring processesIt allows the recurring processes to be searched.
Processes with waiting instancesIt allows the waiting processes to be searched.
Processes with running instancesIt allows the running processes to be searched.

Right section

Select an actionIt allows stopping or canceling the planned process. It can be accessed by clicking the PAUSE and CANCEL options.
Process nameIt is the area where the scheduled process names are displayed.
Process keyIt is the area where the scheduled process keys are displayed.
StatusIt is the area whIt is the area where the information about the stage of the planned process is displayed. Status information for INITIAL, SCHEDULED, PAUSING, PAUSED, RESUMING, RESUMED, CANCELLING, CANCELLED, COMPLETED, WAITING is displayed in this area.ere the planning date and time information is displayed.
Scheduled dateIt is the area where the planning date and time information is displayed.
Start dateIt is the area where start date and time information are displayed
End dateIt is the area where end date and time information are displayed.
CronIt is the area where the working frequency of the planned process is displayed.
OnceIt is the area where the information whether the planned process is planned for one time or not is displayed. Appears as Y (Yes), N (No) expressions.
ImmediatelyIt is the area where the information whether the planned process is run immediately without waiting in the queue is displayed. Appears as Y (Yes), N (No) expressions.
PriorityIt is the field where priority of the planned process are displayed.
ParametersIt is the field where the credentials of the planned process are displayed as JSON expression. “RunOnce, RunImmediately, retryCount, process name (name)” etc. in the Process field. It is the area where a lot of information is displayed.
InstancesDetails obtained at the working stage of the process, such as process logs, flow diagram and process status information, are displayed separately by clicking this field. The image below shows the screen encountered after clicking the Instances field.
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Scheduled processes

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