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Computer Vision

Image matching

Estimated reading: 4 minutes 405 views

Image matching activity is used to search for an image on a given source image. Starting from the X-Y point on the image, a search is made in an area equal to the determined width and height. If there is a match, the coordinate (X-Y) of the center point of the searched image on the searched image and the width/height values are assigned to the determined result variables. When x-position, y-position, width and height values aren’t entered, a search is made in the whole image.

*Source imageSource image file name with path.
*Source image Base64Source image with base64 string. If image and its path are given in Source image field, Source image Base64 must not be used. In case of using it, an error will be returned.
*Searched image File name and path of the image to be searched.
*Searched image Base64Searched image with base64 string.
X-coordinateIf it is desired to limit the image to be searched on the screen within a certain area; this field must be filled in, along with the Y-coordinate, Height, and Width fields.
Y-coordinateIf it is desired to limit the image to be searched on the screen within a certain area; this field must be filled in, along with the X-coordinate, Height, and Width fields.
WidthIf it is desired to limit the image to be searched on the screen within a certain area; this field must be filled in, along with the X-coordinate, Y-coordinate and Height fields.
HeightIf it is desired to limit the image to be searched on the screen within a certain area; this field must be filled in, along with the X-coordinate, Y-coordinate and Width fields.
Start scaleIf it is desired to try again when the searched image is not found on the image, the Start Scale field is filled. Specifies the start scale. Scale statements are double-type numbers (0.1, 0.5, 2.0).
End scaleIf it is desired to try again when the searched image is not found on the image, the Start Scale field is filled. Specifies the end scale. Scale statements are double-type numbers (0.1, 0.5, 2.0).
Scale stepIf it is desired to try again when the searched image is not found on the image, the Start Scale field is filled. Specifies the progression coefficient. Specifies the progression coefficient.
Match scoreImages are matched if their similarity percentage is higher than the match score.
*Return x-positionIf the image matches, the x-coordinate of the center point of the searched image is assigned to this variable.
*Return y-positionIf the image matches, the y-coordinate of the center point of the searched image is assigned to this variable.
*Return heightIf the image matches, the height of the center point of the searched image is assigned to this variable.
*Return widthIf the image matches, the width of the center point of the searched image is assigned to this variable.
Note: * Fields selected with are required, others are optional.

You can use the Source image as shown in the examples.


You can use the Source image Base64 as shown in the example.


You can use the Searched image as shown in the example.


You can use the Searched image Base64 as shown in the examples.


You can use the X-coordinate as shown in the examples.


You can use the X-coordinate as shown in the examples.


You can use the Width as shown in the examples.


You can use the Width as shown in the examples.


You can use the Start scale as shown in the examples.


You can use the End scale as shown in the examples.


You can use the End scale as shown in the examples.


You can use the Match score as shown in the example.


You can use the Return x-position as shown in the examples.


You can use the Return y-position as shown in the examples.


You can use the Return height as shown in the examples.


You can use the Return width as shown in the examples.


The values for height and width must be an integer.

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Image matching

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