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Decryption activity ensures that a data that has been rendered incomprehensible by the encryption method is made comprehensible.the encryption method. Encryption is a double-sided encryption method, that is, an encrypted data can be decrypted with a key.

*Ciper textThis is the field where the encrypted variable name should be written in the Encryption activity.
*Decryption type The encrypted method is selected.
*Result plain textIt is the variable field where the decrypted data will be written.
*KeyThe key information given in the Encryption activity is given in the same way.
Note: * Fields selected with are required, others are optional.

You can use the Cliper text as shown in the examples.


You can use the Decryption type as shown in the examples.




You can use the Result plain text as shown in the example.


You can define a key from using Generate key activity or you can define a key from using any key creator tool.

AES accepts 16 or 32 bits keys.

DES accepts 8 bits keys.

TripleMES accepts 24 bits keys.
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