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File Operations


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Zip activity is used to converting file to compressed format.

*File nameThe file name or the folder name with path.
*Zip File NameThe zip file name or folder name with path.
OverwriteThis checkbox enables overwriting if there is a file or folder with the same name.
PasswordIf there is a password for compressed file, its password must be entered here.
Note: * Fields selected with are required, others are optional.

You can use the file path as shown in the example.

Full name for specific file:



Files that start with the initial letter a in the folder and have an extension .txt are processed in batches:


All files in the folder with extension .xlsx are processed in batch:


All files in the folder will be processed in batch:


All files/folders in the folder will be processed collectively:


You can use the Zip file name as shown in the example.

Accepts all the following characters for encryption.


The name of the compressed file (The name of the file can be changed) and the format as .zip should be written to give the desired full directory.

If the “Overwrite” checkbox status is:

True: If there is no file with the same name in the relevant directory, compression is performed. If there is a file with the same name in the relevant directory, the old file is overwritten and compressed.

False: If there is no file with the same name in the relevant directory, compression is performed. If there is a file with the same name in the relevant directory, decompression is not performed. The function gets an error with the message File already exists in directory.

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