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Exchange connection

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Exchange connection activity is the area where the necessary information to establish a connection to the Exchange server is received. In order to be able to receive or send an e-mail, the server connection must be established first. Other mail methods are included in the next step.

Configuration nameIt is the name of the opened connection. This name will be chosen in other mail components.
*Connection nameThe reference name is given to the mail connection which will open in this field.
HostThe server information of the e-mail address is entered.
UsernameUsername information of the e-mail address is entered.
PasswordPassword information of the e-mail address is entered.
DomainThe domain name information of the e-mail address is entered.
TypeThe type of Exchange server is chosen in the dropdown.
Test connectionThe correctness of the connection can be checked with a button.
Note: * Fields selected with are required, others are optional.

You can use the Connection name as shown in the example.


You can use the Host as shown in the example.

You can use the Username as shown in the example.

You can use the Password as shown in the example.


You can use the Domain as shown in the example.

You can use the Type as shown in the example.




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