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Read/Save/Attachment activity is used for reading and saving mails in specified folders and for additional files in mails.

*Connection nameThe reference name of the mail connection which has already been established is chosen in the dropdown.
*Dataset nameThe reference name of the already opened dataset is chosen in the dropdown.
Mail noIf the value of the Mail No field is empty or -1, then selected actions will be applied to all emails. Emails are sorted by oldest first.
Mark as read?Whether the emails will be marked as read or not after the transaction is specified as True/False is decided.
Mark as unread?Whether the emails will be marked as unread or not after the transaction is specified as True/False is decided.
Mark as deleted?It is specified whether the emails will be deleted after the process.
Save attachments?True/False whether to save mail attachments or not is decided.
Save attachments recursively?Save all attachments which included in .eml and .msg attachments if it is checked.
Save mail?Whether the emails will be saved or not after the transaction is specified as True/False is decided.
Save pathThe directory where the emails or attachments will be saved is written.
Attachment Dataset nameThe reference name is given to the dataset which will create in this field for mail attachments.
Save message body images?Save inline and external URL images of message. Available only for IMAP/SMTP
Note: * Fields selected with are required, others are optional.

You can use the Connection name as shown in the example.


You can use the Dataset name as shown in the example.


You can use the Mail no as shown in the example.



You can use the Save path as shown in the example.

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