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Read words

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Read words activity allows a desired image content to be transferred to a variable as text line by line.

*File nameFile name with path.
X-coordinateIf it is desired to limit the text to be read on the screen within a certain area; this field must be filled in, along with the Y-coordinate, Height, and Width fields.
Y-coordinateIf it is desired to limit the text to be read on the screen within a certain area; this field must be filled in, along with the X-coordinate, Height, and Width fields.
WidthIf it is desired to limit the text to be read on the screen within a certain area; this field must be filled in, along with the Y-coordinate, X-coordinate, and Width fields.
HeightIf it is desired to limit the text to be read on the screen within a certain area; this field must be filled in, along with the X-coordinate, Y-coordinate, and Height fields.
*LanguageThe language library is selected.
*Result text nameThe name of the variable to which the OCR result is to be transferred.
Note: * Fields selected with are required, others are optional.

You can use the File name as shown in the example.


You can use the X-coordinate as shown in the example.


X-coordinate, Y-coordinate, height and width field cannot be used alone. In case of using one, other fields must be filled.

You can use the Y-coordinate as shown in the example.


X-coordinate, Y-coordinate, height and width field cannot be used alone. In case of using one, other fields must be filled.

You can use the Width as shown in the example.


X-coordinate, Y-coordinate, height and width field cannot be used alone. In case of using one, other fields must be filled.

You can use the Height as shown in the example.


X-coordinate, Y-coordinate, height and width field cannot be used alone. In case of using one, other fields must be filled.

You can use the Language as shown in the example.





You can use the Result text name as shown in the example.


The variable result will be as follows. The results will be transferred to the variable in json format.

{“result”:[{“lineNumber”:1, words:[{“text”:”Hello”,”x”:10,”y”:10,”width”:200,”height”:20}


The related component also gives the confidence score besides the coordinates and the text read.

If the X-coordinate, Y-coordinate, height and width fields is left blank, all of specified image is transferred to variable specified in the Result text name field. If the X-coordinate, Y-coordinate, height and width fields are given a value, the area that these fields specified is transfered to variable specified in the Result text name field.

Example result for confidence value:

{“result”:[{“words”:[{“confidence”:81,”x”:2,”width”:53,”y”:4,”text”:”Succes”,”height”:17 {“confidence”:78,”x”:59,”width”:97,”y”:4,”text”:”Ratio”,”height”:17}],”lineNumber”:1}]}

The values for height and width must be an integer.

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