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Windows System

Is window exists

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The “Is window exists” activity checks if a specified window is currently open on the screen.

*Window titleTitle of the window to work on. It supports wildcard (*,?) characters on search operations.
Match typeThe desired option can be chosen when searching by Window title.
*Result variable nameThe Result variable is used to store the output of the “Window Exists” activity.

Type: Boolean
Possible Values:
true: The specified window is found.
false: The specified window is not found.
Note: * Fields selected with are required, others are optional.

You can use the Window title as shown in the example.

Untitled – Notepad – Matches with values matching the exact title “Untitled – Notepad”

*Note* – Matches with values containing “Note”

*Notepad – Matches with values ending with “Notepad”

Untitled* – Matches with values starting with “Untitled”

You can use the Match type as shown in the examples.

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