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Using Forms in the Process

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Form structures in Robusta can be called in two ways, by defining them in the “User Task” activity or in the “Start Event” activity.

Activities > User Task

Assigned to process initiatorThe form comes to the user who started the process.
Assigned to single userThe form is sent to a single selected user. The relevant user is selected from the search field that opens.
Candidate UsersThe form goes to multiple selected users.
Candidate GroupsForm goes to multiple selected groups and users within

The people to whom the form will be assigned must have the same tenant information.

The User Task activity does not have a timeout period and waits until it takes action. Boundary timer event activity can be used to avoid this.

A timeout duration is entered in the Time duration field and the Cancel activity box is checked. As a result, if the form is not filled within this period, the process is completed.

Start Events > Start event

If parameters are wanted to be sent in at the beginning of the process, this feature can be used and while the process is scheduled, the form can be filled in via the Scheduler and the relevant information can be sent to the process.

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Using Forms in the Process

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