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Xml and JSON

Get value

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Get value activity ensures that the value in each element and / or property (attribute) in the .xml extension file to be processed.

*Input datasetThe name written in the output dataset field in the Execute Xpath activity is selected from the dropdown menu.
*RowThe row from which the element in the dataset will be taken is written.
ColumnThe column from which the element in the dataset will be taken is written.
*Output valueA variable name that will be created is written.
Note: * Fields selected with are required, others are optional.

You can use the Input dataset as shown in example.


You can use the Row as shown in the example.


Let’s assume that we keep the location of an .xml file // Invoice as a reference in Xpath in the Execute Xpath component, select the ELEMENT option from the Filter field in accordance with this location and keep the reference field in the dataset.
<Supplier_Name>Third Part Company</Supplier_Name>
// Invoice location typed in the xpath field includes all the elements in the xml expression. The information that the element to be accessed is in the row is written in the “Row” field. Whichever element we want to access, the first element (Return_ID) is taken as zero (0), and the other components are accessed by increasing numbers.
In this example, let’s want to access the “Supplier_Account_No” element; Four (4) should be written in the row field.

You can use the Column as shown in the example.

If the column value is a positive number, a search will be made according to the column number and the value will be returned.


If it is not a positive number, a search will be made according to the header information and the value will be returned.


You can use the Output value as shown in the example.

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