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Mail definitions

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Mail definitions is an interface where authorized username and protocol information like IMAP, POP3, EXCHANGE and SMTP is defined to read, send mail et. within process. It enables mail definitions to be made globally and to use these environment-independent definitions.

Create mail definitionAccess mail definition creation field through this button.
Select an actionSelected mail definitions can be deleted, their details can be changed or a new ftp event can be defined.
Search by mail definition nameMail definitions on the list can be found via this field.
Show next 10By clicking can show all mail definitions by 10.
Order by Mail Definition NameOrders mail definitions by mail definitions name.
NameName of mail definition.
DescriptionDescription of mail definition.
ProtocolProtocol information of mail definition.

By clicking the Create Mail Definition button, a mail identifier and a mail event listener are created. You can see the previously created Mail Event definitions in the image below and enter mail definitions into the relevant fields.

NameName of mail definition.
DescriptionDescription of name.
ProtocolMail Protocol information. IMAP, POP3, EXCHANGE, SMTP protocols are supported.
HostnameMail server name.
UsernameMail username information.
PasswordMail password information.
SSL,TLS Enables, TLS RequiredSSL, TLS is selected according to the requirement.
DomainDomain information.
Server TypeType of server.

After mail definition is made, click Select an action button and choose Events to add event.

Fill in the fields to make an event listener definition. Although the fields for PRE-CONDITION and TRIGGER options are similar, there are differences, they will be displayed separately.


Saved eventsIf you want to use “event” defined before, it is selected from the list. If the list is empty, it means there is no “event” defined before.
EnableIt is determined whether the Mail Event will be active/working. If Enable is selected, the event becomes active.
NameName of mail event.
Action typeMail Event operation type is determined. If Maill Event has to work under a certain condition, PRE-CONDITION; TRIGGER is selected only if it will listen for any changes in the folder and trigger a process to run.
FolderThe folder name you want to rest is written in the mailbox. The name displayed in the mail interface is taken as basis. (Eg: A Turkish mail interface is written as “Inbox” and an English mail interface is written as “Inbox”.)
Only unreadOnly unread mails are taken as basis.
Mark as readMark unread mails as read.
FromThe information about who will send the mail.
ToThe information to whom the mail will be sent.
SubjectThe subject of the mail.
Newer than(seconds)Controls mailbox periodically based on the Check interval(seconds) field. If mail that is sent from email address that is defined in the To field with the subject is newer than seconds in the Check interval(seconds) field, it is pre-condition to start an event.


Saved eventsIf you want to use “event” defined before, it is selected from the list. If the list is empty, it means there is no “event” defined before.
EnableIt is determined whether the Mail Event will be active/working. If Enable is selected, the event becomes active.
NameName of mail event.
Action typeMail Event operation type is determined. If Maill Event has to work under a certain condition, PRE-CONDITION; TRIGGER is selected only if it will listen for any changes in the folder and trigger a process to run.
FolderThe folder name you want to rest is written in the mailbox. The name displayed in the mail interface is taken as basis. (Eg: A Turkish mail interface is written as “Inbox” and an English mail interface is written as “Inbox”.)
Only unreadOnly unread mails are taken as basis.
Mark as readMark unread mails as read.
Check interval(seconds)How many seconds intervals the control will be made.
ProcessProcess that will be triggered.
ParametersProcess parameter that will be triggered.
WorkerOn which worker mail event will be executed.
FromThe information about who will send the mail.
ToThe information to whom the mail will be sent.
SubjectThe subject of the mail.
Newer than(seconds)Controls mailbox periodically based on the Check interval(seconds) field. If mail that is sent from email address that is defined in the To field with the subject is newer than seconds in the Check interval(seconds) field, it triggers the event.
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