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Create activity is used for opening an existing Word file with doc or docx extension.

*Word nameThe reference name is given to the word file which will create in this field.
Word file nameThe file path is written.
OverwriteThis checkbox enables overwriting if there is a file or folder with the same name.
Note: * Fields selected with are required, others are optional.

You can use the Word name as shown in the example.


You can use the Word file name as shown in the example.


If the “Overwrite” field’s checkbox status is:

True: If there is no file/folder with the same name in the relevant directory, a name change is made. If there is a file/folder with the same name in the relevant directory, the name is changed by overwriting the old file/folder.

False: If there is no file/folder with the same name in the relevant directory, a name change is made. If there is a file/folder with the same name in the relevant directory, the name is not changed. The function gets an error with the message There is folder already in the directory.

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