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Add column

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Add column activity is used to add columns within a dataset.

*Dataset nameReference name of dataset.
*Column nameName of the column to be added. If null, adds row to the end.
Column indexThe order of the column to be added.
Result variable nameVariable name of the return value.
Note: * Fields selected with are required, others are optional.

You can use the Dataset name as shown in the example.


You can use the Column name as shown in the examples.




You can use the Column index as shown in the examples.

The column number starts from 0. If left blank, a column is added to the last column in the dataset.

If it is desired to add a column to the last column in the dataset, the new column index field should be left blank.

If a column is wanted to be added to an empty dataset (Dataset), 0 should be given as an index. Otherwise, a new column cannot be created.

If multiple columns are added (comma-separated entry in the ‘Column name’ field), the value corresponding to the number of columns added should be given in this field. Example: If 3 columns are added, “4:6” should be given.



You can use the Result variable name as shown in the example.

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