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File Operations

File exists

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File exists activity is used for giving the information that the file exists or does not exist in the given directory. The result is returned as True or False.

*File nameThe file path or directory is written.
*Result variable name:A variable name that will be created is written.
Retry CountThe number of attempts is written, can be any numeric value.
Note: * Fields selected with are required, others are optional.

You can use the folder path as shown in the example.


You can use the file path as shown in the example.

Full name for specific file:


Files that start with the initial letter a in the folder and have an extension .txt are processed in batches:


All files in the folder with extension .xlsx are processed in batch:


All files in the folder will be processed in batch:


All files/folders in the folder will be processed collectively:


You can use the Result variable name as shown in the example.


You can use the Retry Count as shown in the examples.

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