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Schedule process

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It enables different processes and/or itself to be triggered within a process, at the desired frequency, time, start and end interval. Each triggered process runs by specifing the desired time period like a small process (Child process).

Run onceIt allows the process to be run once. This field is selected depending on the usage.
Run immadiately Allows the process to run immediately. This field is selected depending on the usage.
*Process keyThe “Model Key” information of the process to be triggered is entered. The Model Key field is the field filled in while creating the process.
ParametersThe parameters to be sent to the triggered process are written in JSON format. JSON format allows more than one variable to take value and send it to the relevant process as parameters.
Quartz definitionThis field is used to specify how often, when / in what time frame the process will run. The expression to be written in this field must be in the form of a Cron expression called “CRON/CRONTAB Expressions”.
Start dateThe start date of the process to be triggered is entered. Date and time that will be entered can’t be older than the time when process run. It can be scheduled for a future date.
End dateThe expiration date of the process to be triggered is entered.
Worker nameName of the worker. Example ; MyWorker
Note: * Fields selected with are required, others are optional.

You can use the Process key as shown in the example.


You can use the Parameters as shown in the example.

In this example, let’s assume that there is an expression written in JSON format as {“from”: “${sender}”, “to”: “${recipient}”, “message”: “${message}”} in the parameters field. In this expression, it is seen that more than one variable to be created according to usage is created and takes values. The “from, to, message” expressions in the expression show how many variables will be used in the process to be triggered. These naming can be made upon request. The values of these variables are the expressions shown as “${sender}, ${recipient}, ${message}”. These values will be sent as parameters to the triggered process and will be used as variables in the process with the same name.

You can use the Quartz Definition as shown in the example.

0 * *? * * // – By writing this statement, the process is run every minute. Details and different examples of Cron/Crontab expressions are given below.

You can use the Start date as shown in the example.


You can use the End date as shown in the example.


You can use the Worker name as shown in the example.


Cron/Crontabs expressions allow command, script and app to run in the specified time or time interval. By using these expressions in Scheduled process, time management can made easily.

Cron/Crontabs expressions consist of characters like *(asterisk), number, over-bar(-) etc. Each character has a different meaning. Parts that will not be used are expressed with * (Asterisk).

Example 1: Let’s create a crontab expression that will run every 10 minutes.

  1. .——————- Second (0 – 59)
  2. | .—————- Minute (0 – 59)
  3. | | .————- Hour (0 – 23)
  4. | | | .———- Day of the month (1 – 31)
  5. | | | | .——- Month (1 – 12)
  6. | | | | | .—- Weekdays (0 – 6) (Sunday=0 or 7)
  7. | | | | | | |- Year
  8. * * * * * * // The crontab command to run

Example 2: Let’s create a crontab expression that will run every midday at 12:00 and every evening at 18:00.

  1. Let the Crontab expression 00 09-18 * * * *
  2. 00 – Every hour (00 clock start)
  3. 09-18 – From 9 A.M to 18 P.M (09, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18)
  4. * – Every day
  5. * – Every month
  6. * – Weekdays
  7. * – Year

Example 3: Let’s create a crontab expression that will run every at 12:00 noon and 18:00 p.m.

  1. Let the Crontab expression 00 09-18 * * 1-5
  2. 00 – Every hour (00 clock start)
  3. 09-18 – From 9 A.M to 18 P.M every hour (09, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18)
  4. * – Every day
  5. * – Every month
  6. 1-5 – Monday (1), Tuesday (2), Wednesday (3), Thursday (4), Friday (5)
  7. * – Year

If we detail the examples above and increase them

StatementExplanationSecondMinuteHourDay of MonthMonthDay of WeekYear
* * * ? * *Every second*** ?**
0 * * ? * *Every minute00* ?**
0 */2 * ? * *Every couple of minutes (2,4,…)0*/2* ?**
0 1/2 * ? * *Every single minute (1, 3,…)01/2* ?**

Can create those expressions.

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